Friday, October 14, 2016

The Johari Window of Communication

It's beautiful seeing people communicate well with others. Make sure to open up each quadrant carefully. The question is when you are naked, trust builded or trust broken? Or boredom haunts you? A mind map from a fool who like talking with himself on the motorcycle. #notforrecognition #avoidfullstop #putaquestionmark

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cardinal Signs

The scheme about Quadruplicity of Qualities, Cardinal (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn) Sign, the hinge. It's the initiator, the beginning of a season. There are 2 other qualities, fixed (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius) and mutable (gemini, virgo, sagitarius, pisces) in the group of quadruplicities. Need to add some infos about this mindmap, so i decide to break for a while. Objectively it has been used to define the beginning of the winter, spring, summer and autumn/fall. The bad thing on the day, the signs which under this group is bossy and opinionated.
One of pseudoscience, astrology.

Sunday, February 28, 2016


MIND MAP about fruitlicious fruit ice cream with various topping. Any other request?

Psychological Properties of Colour

Why AW, McD, J.Co, DunkinDonuts has an orange color in their logo? Why Nike and Adidas choose black and white? Why Starbucks use green as their color?
Color Psychology. According to Angela Wright, taste of color is always subjective, but it responses very well to answer question about personalities, athough this one is less accurate than Inkblot Rorschach personality test which has 80% accuracy, but it can be another references. 

History of Rock Music

Mind Map of Rock History (short version). Must admit this is complicated challenge. It's pretty hard, tough one. Sorry, if there were so many things not included and a lil' bit commercial.

History of Guitar Solo

Mind Map of Guitar Solo History. All of us can learn something. We just need to try. 

6 Thinking Hats

6 thinking hats Mind Map. That moment when i found myself thinking.